USAID defines localization as the set of internal reforms, actions, and behavior changes that we are undertaking to ensure our work puts local actors in the lead, strengthens local systems, and is responsive to local communities, including through local systems practice and local capacity strengthening.
USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance’s (USAID/DRG) is uniquely placed to be a leader in USAID’s localization efforts given that the centrality of individuals’ and communities’ needs to the nature of the work it undertakes makes locally led development inextricably linked to much of its programming. Acknowledging that improving development programming is an ongoing process, the Bureau is committed to continuous learning to strengthen its enablement of locally led development. For more guidance on how to strengthen local capacity check out the Local Capacity Strengthening Policy Implementation Guidance.
Training and Learning Material
Lessons in DRG Integration and Locally Led Development: USAID/DRG's Shifting Approach
Training and Learning Material
Webinar: Applying USAID’s Local Capacity Strengthening Policy in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Work