Results from the Thinking and Working Politically (TWP) Case Competition

The USAID Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) held its first Thinking and Working Politically (TWP) Case Competition this year. The three Winners of the first TWP Case Competition highlighted the various ways TWP approaches can support the Activity’s goals as well as provide critical information for activities to learn from and use in adapting interventions. Congratulations to our winners:

TWP Case Competition Senegal

Enhancing Fiscal Transparency and Public Participation in Senegal: Approach, Challenges, and Achievements 

  • Activity: USAID Public Financial Management Support Activity
  • Country: Senegal
TWP Case Competition Indonesia

Resource Mobilization and Alliance Building: Supporting Barru’s Journey toward Universal Health Coverage

  • Activity: USAID ERAT (Effective, Efficient, and Strong Governance)
  • Country: Indonesia
TWP Case Competition Honduras

From Insight to Impact: Justicia Efectiva's Collaborative and Agile TWP Approach

  • Activity: USAID Justicia Efectiva Activity
  • Country: Honduras

On June 25, 2024, the case competition team hosted the Thinking and Working Politically Case Competition Celebration webinar to announce the three winners and share best practices and lessons learned. To hear from Assistant to the Administrator of the Bureau for DRG Shannon N. Green and more about the winning cases directly from the winners, check out the recording here: 

About the Competition: 

Submissions were open November 2023 to February 2024. In the three-month application window for the TWP Case Competition, USAID implementing partners submitted 36 cases from 31 countries in which USAID operates. 

The submissions covered over 13 thematic sectors. DRG was the most common sector, followed by Economic Growth and Trade, as well as Health and Nutrition. At the end of the review process, there were three winners, three runners-up, and five finalists.

Our winners, runners-up, and finalists:

Figure 1. TWP Case Competition winners, runners-up, and finalists

TWP Case Competition World Map

For the full list of winners, runners-up, and finalists, use the map above or browse the list below.


Year Results Case Title Submitter Org Activity Name Activity Country(s) Sector(s)
2024 Winner Enhancing Fiscal Transparency and Public Participation in Senegal: Approach, Challenges, and Achievements Deloitte and USAID/Senegal USAID Public Financial Management Support Activity Senegal Anti-Corruption; Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance; Economic Growth and Trade
2024 Winner Resource Mobilization and Alliance Building: Supporting Barru’s Journey toward Universal Health Coverage. USAID ERAT USAID ERAT (Effective, Efficient, and Strong Governance) Indonesia Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance; Health and Nutrition
2024 Winner From Insight to Impact: Justicia Efectiva's Collaborative and Agile TWP Approach DAI/USAID Honduras USAID Justicia Efectiva Activity Honduras Anti-Corruption; Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance
2024 Runner-up Leveraging domestic budget resources to incentivize reading reforms through results based financing Cambridge Education (as part of a consortium led by Creative Associates International) Leveraging Education Assistance Resources in Nigeria (LEARN) to Read Nigeria Education
2024 Runner-up The Ecosystem Approach to Public-Private Accountability in Lambayeque Chemonics International Inc. Transparent Public Investment Peru Anti-Corruption; Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance; Environment, Energy, and Infrastructure
2024 Runner-up Using TWP for service delivery through Intégrate centers. Chemonics International Inc. USAID/Colombia Integra Activity Colombia Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance
2024 Finalist Afro-Colombian Empowerment through the Regulation of Law 70 of 1993 ACDI/VOCA Indigenous People and Afro-Colombian Empowerment (IPACE) Activity Colombia Agriculture and Food Security; Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance; Economic Growth and Trade; Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment; Youth and GESI
2024 Finalist Dinamismo contextual en la Prevención de la violencia desde una perspectiva TWP Chemonics, Int. Programa de Prevención y Reducción de Violencia (PREVI) México Conflict Prevention Stabilization; Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance; Youth and GESI
2024 Finalist Thinking and Working Politically to Foster Institutional Change RTI International Uganda Governance Accountability Participation and Performance Program Uganda Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance
2024 Finalist Investing in Local Capacity and Local Ownership for a TWP approach in Nigeria DAI Global, LLC USAID Nigeria State Accountability, Transparency, and Effectiveness (State2State) Nigeria Anti-Corruption; Conflict Prevention Stabilization; Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance; Economic Growth and Trade; Education; Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment; Health and Nutrition; Water and Sanitation; Youth and GESI
2024 Finalist Using Political Economy Analysis to strengthen health system governance in Timor-Leste Abt Global USAID's Local Health System Sustainability Project Timor-Leste Health and Nutrition