Gender-Based Violence Impunity Regional Study: Mexico Case Study (LACLEARN)

Through an intersectional gender, power, and political economy approach, the Mexico case study explores: 1) the prevalence and social acceptance of femicide and transfemicide (FTF) based on literature review and secondary statistics to provide background and context for the study; and, 2) views shared in in-depth individual interviews (IDIs) with 30 respondents including institutional actors and civil society staff who work directly with GBV victims and survivors, and GBV and FTF survivors. The case study diagnoses the state of FTF impunity in Mexico, identifies solutions to address impunity, and provides operational recommendations to USAID on changes needed to promote pathways to GBV and FTF accountability that center on survivors’ recommendations.

This report is part of several case studies that comprise the Latin America and Caribbean Learning and Rapid Response (LACLEARN) Gender-based Violence (GBV) Impunity Regional Study. Access the other GBVI regional studies: